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As we begin the countdown to Christmas and the end of this remarkable year, let's discuss “What Covid Has Taught Me” and why it is important to record your experiences living through a pandemic. I believe we have all had experiences of kindness, friendship and strength as well as loss, fear and worry since last February. These experiences give us an opportunity to reflect on how we wish to be present in this world and what really matters to us!

Our children and grandchildren will have a connection to my grandmother now. They, and she, will have lived with and through a global pandemic. How does that change our outlook on the future? Are we positive thinkers or do we get stuck in the fear of catching the virus? One of my youngest grands has become fearful of going to school because she "could get IT" but she also is in tears as she spends hours looking at a computer screen, can not play with her friends. What will her stories be? She is making a book of her drawings, at least one a day, that reflect her Covid life. What a treasure that will be as she tries to explain the life of a first grader surviving a pandemic to her grandchildren.

I have been keeping a COVID sketch book - includes my sketches of things we do or experiences I have had - gatherings of 2 friends in our garden to connect with masks and wine -newspaper clippings of the numbers showing the growth of the outbreak and the devastating deaths - notes from zoom meetings - cards from friends - all reminders of how life changed and how it remains the same.

My 98 year old mother, living in assisted living, has been in lockdown and isolation from all but staff. It is challenging for all of us but Mom is Covid free. She is not happy with the isolation as she is a very social person and enjoys the outdoors. Her story reflects her sense of loss at not seeing us but also "what will be will be" and "this too shall pass" - her favorite phrases.

I ache to see her, hug her, chat with her but am grateful she is healthy and safe. And she continues to remind me to tell the story.

I think by sharing our story, in writing, for our families we are giving them a glimpse of how we navigated a historic event.

We could ask them to add their reactions, too.

History in the making.

Add your book to your collection of treasures, next to

The Last Gift Box.



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Tina, and her husband Bob, who is now a believer in creating a Last Gift Box guide for their children, are on a mission to convince others to do the same.  It is A Present to Those Who Follow (Them) Me!

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© 2017 by Tina.

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