An Assignment for YOU
As you create your Gift Box you will have moments - maybe days - of being overwhelmed.
Normal. It is your life you are organizing.
Get a new notebook. Does not have to be fancy. Has to fit by your computer, phone, grocery list,
coffee pot.
Write today’s date,
complete the sentence
TODAY I FOUND JOY IN______________________!
Continue each day, once a week, but no less.
It is amazing how our own words help us reframe our stresses, overwhelmed feelings , frustration with messy record keeping or lost papers.
I began this when I was working with my husband to complete our GIFT. I go back and read earlier entries and remember how much joy I do have in my life with hm.
I laugh at certain memories, acknowledge how much nature enriches me, smile at some silly antic my husband did, picture the full moon shining on me on that cool evening, revisit a note or card from my kids or grandkids. It is simple. It is doable.
It is free..
No excuse for no time. Use two minutes of Facebook or email time and you are done for today.
Here are some of my early entries:
Dancing in the kitchen to Mama Mia
Laughing with Bob about his ideas for his memorial
The full moon over the bay
The first daffodil in my garden
My tea with Annie
Have fun. Be creative.
Let me know how you progress.
