My View
”I can choose either to be a victim of the world or an adventurer in search of treasure. It’s all a question of how I view my life.”
The Alchemist
Paulo Coelho
My husband has been in the hospital since March 6. He has had two surgeries, spent a week in between them in ICU. He is moving tomorrow from his Acute Rehab to 2-4 weeks of continued rehab on our side of the bay. This is a long time to watch, commute, encourage and know it is all worth the stress. And we made a choice to be positive, chat with staff, learn their stories and support them as they support the patient (my husband).
Is this what we thought we’d be doing at this point in our lives - or really the last 10 years of our lives? Heck NO! But it is the reality and in between hospital visits we have had fabulous adventures to spectacular places.
Sometimes I wonder if it would not be easier to have an on going pity party, pull the covers up, don’t open the door and hide. Then I look outside at the wonders of our world and put on my pretty big girl panties, pointed toe boots and a few other garments and March out the door singing HALLELUJAH! We are alive. Let’s get happy.