It is courage to try again.

We frame our life, our ideas, our parenting skills, our decorating, our vocabulary in terms of success or failure.
What I’ve noticed in the people I deeply admire, who are true to themselves, who are happy, energized, thoughtful, is they have success and failure in their life experience, some public, some private. What these people have is courage to try again. They take stock when something fails. They don’t climb in a hole. They celebrate success but don’t take all the credit knowing many others have helped them along the way. They enjoy success knowing success will support them as they move on to their next adventure, creative idea, book to be written, child to n
be taught, painting to be brought to life, company to be created.
its not accolades. It’s COURAGE.
My focus is to have people complete THE LAST GIFT BOX. I am on a mission. I want to work with who are trying to put into words what they want now and as they die. I give people tools to use as they talk to their children and family about their decisions. And support them if the first try is a disaster. Regroup and let’s try again.
We all have talents, gifts to share. Together we- YOU and I - will complete our LAST GIFT. It takes courage, We are discussing, writing, preparing for when we die. This is a courageous thing to do, especially in our society.
We will not complete our gift perfectly but I have yet to meet anyone who does anything perfectly!
Let’s dig up our courage.
Let’s support each other.
Let’s get it done.
Our families’ best GIFT