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BUT, BUT, BUT - then Whine

It is worth taking the time to consider what is holding us back from completing your Last Gift Box.

I know you have it in your hands, at least 1,200 of you do and that's a LARGE group to belong to!

So - let's lay out the excuses.

You have plenty of excuses. You run the local fund raiser. Your kids are coming to visit. Your dog is sick. You can't find the book

You feel shame. You are shaming yourself for what you have not done. I don't view that as productive. Shame needs to be shoved out of your life - with a hard, strong shove.

You are insecure about how to do this. And what if your decisions hurt someone's feelings? And if you complete the forms and then change your mind will your family think you are unable to make decisions?

You feel the lack of time to do this that we all feel. (for most things!) I have yet to hear anyone say, "Wow, I have so much time in my day I sit and watch the clouds and know all the laundry is done, the house is in order and I can drive in traffic and not get upset. I have no lack of time". We find time for what is required of us and what is important to us. Life is full of choices and completing this gift is a choice.

You are afraid. Most of us have a fear of dying. Reality. You have worries about what your legacy will be. You know you will dye. That too is reality and you can ease your death worries by having your life in order. That will make your death and transition to whatever is next less stressful for you.

You procrastinate. Welcome to the largest club in the world. I have never met anyone who does not procrastinate about something. It is so much easier to pretend you don not have to ever organize, designate recipients write a trust, stalk to our kids. There are thousands of reasons you can create to put off creating the Gift Box. BUT, BUT, BUT... THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU RELIEF.

The number one reason you are even reading this is to think about your family and friends and to think about your exit from this spec of land in this massive universe we are a part of.

YOU want to show your love to those still in orbit here.

Your Last Gift (Box) is the best present you can give (leave).

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Tina, and her husband Bob, who is now a believer in creating a Last Gift Box guide for their children, are on a mission to convince others to do the same.  It is A Present to Those Who Follow (Them) Me!

  • The Last Gift Box Facebook Page

© 2017 by Tina.

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