Setting boundaries and saying no is not easy but if I want to create the amazing programs I see in my mind's eye I have to focus on my...
Make a Difference
"We can't do everything, and what we can do, we can't do perfectly, but that's okay. All we need to do is make a beginning, right here,...

Just Two...
I enjoy Maria Shriver's Sunday Paper. It is online and arrives every Sunday morning in my inbox. One of the more recent ones focused on...
Are You Ready?
Hello, I am rejoining the world after two months commuting everyday to be with Bob who was in UCSF hospital following a two day back...

"This is today! What will tomorrow bring? Life arrives and departs on its own schedule, not ours; it's time to travel light, and be...

Nice to Know YOU!
Writing Blogs, sharing ideas is creative and fun for me. However, it is so one sided and sometimes I don't even know if I am just...

Nice to Know YOU!
Writing Blogs, sharing ideas is creative and fun for me. However, it is so one sided and sometimes I don't even know if I am just...