Can you believe how long it has been since you purchased you copy of The Last Gift Box? I'm not trying to bug you, but have you opened it?...

Let's hope we will get the same response for our celebration of us!! " I did not attend his funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I...

Out of unreality lead us into reality. Out of darkness lead us into light. From death lead us into immortality. UPANISHAD

Work - It's All Work
We work to live long lives, eat right, exercise, don't do too much fun stuff with alcohol or have too many replacement part surgeries....

And the Winning Tombstones are...
There are many ways to be remembered. I know it's odd, but I do enjoy walking in cemeteries and reading tombstones. There is so much...

Let us---
In this time of strife and frustration, I think this ancient Indian saying is worth the contemplation. "Let us overcome the angry man...